Monday, March 23, 2009

Brusha, brusha, brusha...

For all you parents out there, I know how difficult it can be to get a toddler to brush his/her teeth. Lydia fights us tooth and nail every time. However, Eli seems to have really taken to it. He has this little gum stimulator that he LOVES to chew on. Sometimes it really looks like he's brushing his teeth.

1 comment:

WhatAminority!AppalachianTradCatholicLibertarians said...

Wyatt has always been great about brishing and flossing. For him, it is like using the potty. Just something you do. We have to fight with RP every day. First we cajole, let her pick out which toothbrush. Then beg. But always, it ends up Mr. M restraining her, I pinch her nose, she opens and I scrub while she screams. Every time.