Sunday, January 8, 2012


Lydia trying her best to be a monkey.

This year for Thanksgiving we went to Knoxville to celebrate Thanksgiving. While I, of course, missed seeing my side of the family for the holiday's this year, it was still great to spend it with those we could. We tend to only be able to make one stop on Thanksgiving, and this year as a special treat Michael's father and step-mother were able to stop by and see us and the kids before they headed out for their holiday stops. This was really special considered Mike's recent health problems. Overall we had a great Thanksgiving that was gone faster than we wanted it to be... and the onto the Christmas rush.

Here is Lydia, Eli and Bryson (Michael's cousin Jamie's son).

Lydia deep in thought... I don't know what about.
Eli, Bryson, and Lydia (she's well hidden) playing hide in go seek. They may need to work on their technique.

Lydia either helping or hindering Jacob (Michael's cousin).
Michael and Jacob hanging out (Eli in the background running back to his tried and true hiding spot being the bush).

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